
Tuesday 17 May 2022

The Walking Kangaroo

The Walking Kangaroo (Part 1)

Another bump and this time he toppled away losing the sight from beautiful mud he had fixated his eyes on. He has always hated this, as if he could never do or focus on something which he likes, one moment it feels like he has it all and then the bump and it takes all away. Now that his eyes have been averted he looks up and asks 'Ma, why do we jump?'

It was coldest of the night with the cold wind blowing and the sparkiling moonlight on those little eyes. A sudden flow of wind which rested with dust and a creature landing, he looked up and saw the beautiful feathers as ever. Unaware of the surrounding she shrugged off her feathers, cleaned the remainings from her feathers and decided to rest there. As she was resting, a distant voice came up to her saying 'hi'. She did not know where it was from, all she could see was giant legs with lots of furs on it. She replied with dilemma - 'hey?'. Then popped up a head and she saw from the bottom it was a kangaroo hidden in a safe unreachable place, which said again 'hi, how are you?' 
"I am good, how about you?"
"Good good, was just looking at the stars." said the voice from the pocket.
"Oh yes! That's nice, I like the stars too, but the moon, oh I love the moon, it just gives a sense of calm watching the moon ain't it?" she said looking at the moon.
"Yes really, it's as calm as it could be. "

Moon, then stars, and then came the stardust, they talked about it all, it was just the exchange of voices in the cold night. As the moonlight grew a shine calm light hit the bird and he saw her, she was the one of its own, exotic, and extremely rare - Hornbill, people usually call them as Dulungan, with sleak beaks and the beautiful feathers tailing down the warmest brown neck. She was a beauty, a wonder creation of the almighty. She didn't knew he saw her, suddenly she asked - "hey? why are you hiding there? Can you atleast pull up your head so I can see you and not just hear the voice?"
"No, I am shy, also if you see the ugly me you may fly away!"
"What? No! Why would I fly away, your voice is as good, just come out in the moonlight." she said with more curiosity to see him.
"Ah! Um, get ready to fly, you are about to see me." he said rising a little on his Mama's pouch, with his dark eyes and the face which he knows is the ugly.
"Why would I fly seeing this face, and hey! You are not ugly, stop lying"
These words, it does wonders perhaps, for it was the first time he has heard someone say it, he thought he knew she is saying just as a joke.
Well one thing he know now is that she didn't fly, he just kind of laughed within his head about it.
"You sure are then the nicest bird to say this" he replied with the smile on his face.
"Oh no! I was just saying the truth"

The conversation went on and on, from about themselves to their likes and dislikes, just a few hours ago they were strangers, and now it was the opposite, from moonlight to the beginning of the sunlight they talked and talked. Hornbill had to go, it's early morning and she has to keep with her daily routin, before leaving she asked "I wish I could have stayed more, but anyways, I will visit you here again today, will you be here again?".
"Of that, I am not sure, but yes, I will really try to, I will ask Ma to come back here tomorrow night".
She nodded, and as she was about to leave she let out a shout "See you tomorrow!", "I really hope" she breathed.
"I hope too, nice bird" he replied as he watched her fly away to the distant rising sun.

(originally the topic - The Walking Kangaroo was meant to be a poem regarding human, but changed it to a story now)